2010 Humanity+ Summit

April 26, 2010

The H+ Summit, a two- day event that explores how humanity will be radically changed by technology in the near future, is scheduled for June 12-13 at Harvard University.

Speakers include Ray Kurzweil, Aubrey de Grey (“Hype and anti-hype in academic biogerontology research: a call to action”), Alex Lightman (“The Rise of Citizen-Scientists in the Eversmarter World”), David Orban (“Intelligence Augmentation, Decision Power, And The Emerging Data Sphere”), Heather Knight (“Why Robots Need to Spend More Time in the Limelight: People Tracking and Artificial Personality”), Michael Smolens (“Removing language as a barrier to cross cultural communication”), M. A. Greenstein (“Sparking our Neural Humanity with Neurotech!”), and Andrew Hessel (“Altered Carbon: The emerging biological diamond age”).