4th EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems

June 16, 2011

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EOS | OµS’11 is the 4th edition of an international conference wholly dedicated to Optical Micro-Systems. It is organized by the European Optical Society (EOS) in the frame of its international Topical Meeting activity and will be held in Italy, 26th September 2011 – 28th September 2011, amidst the wonderful scenery of the Island of Capri. A possible definition of an optical microsystem is a complex system, able to perform one or more sensing and actuation functions, where optical devices are integrated in a smart way with electronic, mechanical and sensing components by taking advantage of the progress in micro- and nano-technologies.

The increasing interest in this field arises from the expected applications that would significantly improve the quality of life. The list of possibilities offered by the optical microsystem enabling technologies is very long and seems to increase day by day. Optical-Micro-Systems will be at the base of the next generation not only of optical telecommunication networks and computers, but also for biotechnologies, environmental monitoring, sensors to improve safety in the avionic and automotive fields, health diagnostics and proteomic/genomic studies, imaging.

The conference programme will focus on fundamental as well as more applied topics. Microfluidic systems, optofluidic systems, photonic crystals, non-linear and quantum optics in micro-devices, nanophotonic-based devices, silicon-based optoelectronics and MOEMS, microsensors, biochips and the new characterization methods for materials and devices were among the hot topics of the conference.