BICA 2011

May 25, 2011

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BICA Society | The challenge of creating a real-life computational equivalent of the human mind calls for our joint efforts to better understand at a computational level how natural intelligent systems develop their cognitive and learning functions. In recent years, BICA conference grew up from a AAAI Fall symposium to a mid-size international conference  that focuses on the emergent hot topics in computer, brain and cognitive sciences unified by the challenge of replicating the human mind in a computer.

The focus of BICA 2011 includes: BICA models of robust learning mechanisms; models of perception, cognition and action; emotional and social intelligence in artifacts; vital constraints informed by neuroscience; human-like episodic and semantic memory; metacognition, human-like self-regulated learning, bootstrapped and meta-learning; language acquisition and symbol grounding; the “critical mass” for cognitive growth in a learning environment, scalability of learning; the roadmap to solving the challenge.