Engineering Philosophy & Ethics in Society 2014

March 17, 2014

The EPHES (Engineering Philosophy & Ethics in Society) series of international interdisciplinary conferences intend to be places to debate and share common concerns of researchers from different “hard” and social sciences, engineering, philosophy and other humanities, when trying to capture the high sense for the Human Being in the Age of Surprise / Digital Era / Emergent Technologies Era / Knowledge Society.

The EPHES 2014 conference has a strong commitment to topics related to Humanism topics.

Conference’s theme:
Enhancement & Morality in the Digital Era. Global Political, Economic & Social Issues


  1. Humanism, Posthumanism, Transhumanism and Philosophy
  2. Ethics of Research & Teaching in Age of Surprise
  3. Disruptive Technologies and the Future of the Human Being
  4. Convergences & Divergences in the making
  5. Knowledge, morality and signs