Futurists: BetaLaunch

March 28, 2011

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World Future Society | The World Future Society has issued a call for inventions and innovations to showcase at the first annual Futurists: BetaLaunch, this summer in Vancouver.

The Futurists: Beta Launch or F:BL will serve as a sort of technology petting zoo where engineers, designers, or others can present their inventions to the 1,000 futurists expected to gather for WorldFuture 2011, the Society’s annual conference.

“Recently, the global community of the World Future Society was polled about what futurist ideas they would most like to examine. The results confirmed what we suspected; futurists love ideas, innovation and look to us (the World Future Society) to help them keep on top of coming technological breakthroughs,” says Jennifer Boykin, World Future Society director of development.