H+ Magazine relaunches, published by Humanity+

July 20, 2010

H+ Magazine will relaunch Tuesday July 20, now published by the nonprofit organization Humanity+ (formerly the World Transhumanist Association), KurzweilAI.net has learned.

H+ Magazine, which covers technological, social and cultural trends that change humans in fundamental ways, began publishing in 2008, and went on hiatus June 1. R.U. Sirius, a.k.a. Ken Goffman, will remain as the magazine’s editor.

“It’s very exciting to be able to continue working on this publication that covers so many extraordinary and exciting potentials and possibilities for our species at this critical moment in human history,” he said. “We look forward to expanding into various formats that will emerge during the coming months and years.  And you can bet that in addition to informing and enlightening, we intend to keep our readers entertained.”

The magazine premieres with a new interview with SIAI Research Fellow Eliezer Yudkowsky and an article on the B.P. oil spill by Humanity+ Executive Director Alex Lightman, along with a new, more streamlined website design.