Is our universe located inside a wormhole?

April 7, 2010

Could our universe be located within the interior of a wormhole that itself is part of a black hole that lies within a much larger universe?

Einstein-Rosen bridges like the one visualized above have never been observed in nature, but they provide theoretical physicists and cosmologists with solutions in general relativity by combining models of black holes and white holes

Such a scenario in which the universe is born from inside a wormhole (also called an Einstein-Rosen Bridge) is suggested in a paper from Indiana University theoretical physicist Nikodem Poplawski in Physics Letters B.

A white hole is connected to a black hole by an Einstein-Rosen bridge and is hypothetically the time reversal of a black hole. Poplawski’s paper suggests that all astrophysical black holes, not just Schwarzschild and Einstein-Rosen black holes, may have Einstein-Rosen bridges, each with a new universe inside that formed simultaneously with the black hole.

This model in isotropic coordinates of the universe as a black hole could also explain the origin of cosmic inflation, Poplawski theorizes.

More info: Indiana University News