Wired: Game Life | Kara is self-aware, Heavy Rain maker claims

March 8, 2012

Wired: Game Life — March 8, 2012 | Chris Baker

This is a summary. Read original article in full here.

A new tech demo featuring sophisticated performance-capture technology made by the game developer Quantic Dream (Heavy RainIndigo Prophecy) was inspired by Ray Kurzweil’s book The Singularity is Near.

The clip, which David Cage, the head of Quantic Dream, unveiled on Wednesday at a Game Developers Conference presentation, shows an android named Kara becoming self-aware as she is being assembled, and desperately insisting that her sentience is a feature and not a bug.

“There will come a point where artificial intelligences are smarter than us, it’s inevitable,” Cage said in an interview with Wired prior to the grand unveiling. “This clip is about the moment that happens.” […]