Molecular structures offer insights for nanoscale self-assembly

November 6, 2003 | Source: KurzweilAI

Hollow spherical vesicles formed by large-scale, wheel-shaped inorganic “POM” molecules represent a new kind of self-assembly in nature, with implications for nanoscience.

These vesicles are described in the November 6, 2003 issue of Nature.

Giant wheel-shaped polyoxomolybdate (POM) molecules, composed of hundreds or even thousands of molybdenum and oxygen atoms, possess the advantages of single molecules, such as well-defined structures and uniform size and mass, as well as those of nanoparticles, such as complex and variable electronic, magnetic, and colloidal properties.

This combination of properties, especially the molecules’ monodispersed nature and adjustable chemical and physical properties, could help to develop more diverse nanomaterials than were previously thought possible.

DOE/Brookhaven National Laboratory press release