Patients and handicapped users test new mind-controlled tech

January 25, 2013

Brain-computer interface allows patient to move his paralyzed arm with his mind (credit: )

More than 100 patients or handicapped users have voluntarily participated in the development of non-invasive brain-machine interfaces developed by researchers  in the European TOBI (Tools for brain-computer interaction) research program.

The technologies include:

Functional electrical stimulation

Voluntarily control movement of a paralyzed limb, using a brain-computer interface.

From EEG signals, the computer senses the desired movement and sends electrical signals to the correspo9nding muscles to stimulate them).


Robotino (credit: José del R. Millán)


Type into a computer and access the Internet by using a thought-controlled cursor  to type a character or choose a command.


Send a small robot equipped with a camera and a screen out to see that world and talk to people remotely.

The research is financed by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7) and is coordinated by EPFL.