Quantum-Safe-Crypto Workshop

July 5, 2013

This workshop will bring together the diverse communities that will need to co-operate to standardize and deploy the next-generation cryptographic infrastructure, in particular, one that will be secure against emerging quantum computing technologies.

Goals of This Workshop

The aim of this workshop will be to set out some short and medium term objectives towards the long-term goal of a quantum-safe cryptographic infrastructure. Such goals could include, for example, a standard for combining a battle-tested conventional key-establishment algorithm with a quantum-safe key establishment protocol, other study items or pre-standards, etc.

In order to achieve these goals, all stakeholders are encouraged to start new standardization work within ETSI (either new groups and/or expand the role of some existing groups).

Target Audience

The targeted audience consists of the key players and decision makers in deploying a global quantum-safe cryptographic infrastructure. This includes implementers of conventional post-quantum cryptography (i.e. crypto algorithms resistant against quantum computers), QKD implementers, implementers of cryptography and security tools and systems (which will need quantum-safe cryptographic primitives)), first industry and government adopters of quantum-safe tools, standardization bodies, and anyone else interested in moving now to be a part of creating the quantum-safe cryptographic infrastructure for the future.