Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality 2014

December 23, 2013

Simple Solutions for a Complex World

The annual Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality will take place at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, Germany, from June 10–17 2014.

Talented graduate students and post-doctoral fellows are invited to attend the Summer Institute hosted by Gerd Gigerenzer (Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition) and Ralph Hertwig (Center for Adaptive Rationality). The Summer Institute will gather distinguished scientists and 35 talented young researchers from diverse backgrounds for an interdisciplinary summer school on the importance of simple solutions to the complex problems of the modern world.

Participants will be given access to the fundamentals, methodology, and recent findings on bounded rationality in talks and workshops. They and the invited faculty will present their own research and learn, practice, and discuss how the simple can outperform the complex during participants debates and workshops, allowing to network with internationally renowned researchers and fellow young scholars.

Application deadline: March 9, 2014.