The Right to Human Enhancement

June 6, 2006 | Source: Reasononline

The recent Human Enhancement Technologies and Human Rights conference examined the right to use enhancing technologies, such as making inheritable changes to the human genome, controlling our own brain, and uploading human consciousness into a computer.

  • Martine Rothblatt, Terasem Foundation: “Bemes” — units of beingness — could eventually be captured, perhaps by wearable recording systems and neuron-sensing nanowires, and uploaded into computers.
  • Richard Glen Boire, Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics: Biotech is already being used to devise “neurocops” — compounds that will police the blood/brain barrier for improper molecules (like drugs).
  • George Dvorsky, Betterhumans: humanity has the moral responsibility to use biotech to augment animals (cows might be uplifted if we gave them hands).