listen | podcast • Mind Matters

from: the Walter Bradley Center for Natural + Artificial Intelligence
March 10, 2020

— contents —

~ letter
~ podcast
~ about

— letter —

Dear readers,

The podcast Mind Matters is produced by the Walter Bradley Center for Natural + Artificial Intelligence — at Discovery Institute. Mind Matters features original news plus analysis — at the intersection of artificial + natural intelligence.

The stories and podcast explore issues, challenges, and controversies about human + artificial intelligence — from a perspective that values the unique capabilities of humanity.

library editor

— podcast —

group: the Walter Bradley Center for Natural + Artificial Intelligence
tag line: Exploring the benefits + challenges raised by AI in light of human exceptionalism.
web: home • channel

podcast title: Mind Matters
tag line: Where artificial + natural intelligence meet head-on.
web:  storiespodcast

presented by

group: Discovery Institute
tag line: Public policy think-tank advancing a culture of purpose, creativity, and innovation.
web: home • channel


— about —

The Walter Bradley Center for Natural + Artificial Intelligence at Discovery Institute explores the benefits and challenges that come with the computer software field of artificial intelligence.

Our publication Mind Matters features news and analysis at the intersection of human + artificial intelligence. Through stories and podcasts: we explores issues and debate.

The center helps society realize that people are not “machines” — and helps put actual machines in perspective. Especially computers. We aim to find the best ways for machines to enhance life + the human experience.

We examine the practical and philosophical implications — connected with the difference between natural (human) intelligence + artificial (machine) intelligence.

our goals:

  • research the differences between natural + artificial intelligence
  • research the limits of AI
  • develop educational tools to help people interact with machines
  • learn how augmenting human capabilities with AI impacts society
  • explore non-algorithmic types of human creativity — that computers aren’t capable of
  • find healthy ways for people to interact with machines — for digital wellness
  • support tech + entrepreneurship for people to succeed in developing countries

— about —

Discovery Institute promotes thoughtful analysis on national + international issues. The institute is home to a community of scholars and policy advocates — with special concern for the role that science + tech play in our culture. And how they can advance free markets, and illuminate public policy.


— notes —

AI = artificial intelligence