Cell Phones, Reality Gaming

March 29, 2006 | Source: TechNewsWorld

Games are becoming vastly more lifelike — more realistic. The addition of voice, initially driven by Xbox Live on consoles and TeamSpeak on PCs, is now improving to VoIP levels driven by Vivox.

A gaming platform called AI.Implant is helping to drive improvements in gaming AI. Implant specializes in easily giving game characters complex personalities so that the experience is more realistic. Characters act and react to players and to each other realistically and dynamically, which vastly improves the gaming experience.

Adding a physics engine makes the experience just short of real. A physics engine makes things move and interact realistically. When you put all three of these — voice, AI and physics — together, as a number of compelling new game titles are going to do, you get a gaming experience that is generations ahead of anything we’ve seen the past. This is the future of gaming.