In search for alien life, researchers enlist human minds

March 21, 2012 | Source: New York Times
Kepler 22b Comparison with Solar System

Kepler-22b Diagram: Comfortably Circling within the Habitable Zone (credit: NASA/Ames/JPL-Caltech)

With new Web-based software by Zooniverse called SETILive, an army of independent citizen-scientists are being enlisted to help with the hunt for unusual signals. In two weeks, more than 40,000 volunteers have signed up, and more than one million radio samples have been analyzed.

Thanks to the remarkable revelations of the Kepler satellite mission, the searchers have a target list (including the Kepler-22 system)..

Dr. Jill Tarter is hoping that the SETI researchers can use human pattern recognition to fine-tune software algorithms that in the past have been used to look for tantalizing signals hidden among fields of natural stellar radiation and human-made sources of interference.